Building a generic model of urban ecosystems of learning, based on case studies in 5 European cities: Munich, Kallithea, Bucharest, Valencia and Dublin. The model will make visible the different layers and networks making the learning ecosystem of a city, and showing how both local and digital learning resources can be integrated into the broader concept of connected learning. The challenge of the partnership will be to bring into the picture local issues, recognizing the critical role of technology-enhanced learning, supporting not only interactions with others around the world, but also with people and organisations nearby.

Piloting scenarios for city-wide learning, each of which is covering a specific set of citizen needs in the 21st century, such as
- Citizenship in our local and global society
- Health and sustainable lifestyle
- Becoming makers of the knowledge society
- Personal and professional advancement
Indiferent dacă urmărești să organizezi un curs, o prezentare informală sau o lansare de carte, folosește acest spațiu pentru a te familiariza cu câteva principii care să te ajute ca evenimentul tău să fie o experiență memorabilă de învățare pentru participanții tăi!